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Continuing Care

At Pangea, we have moved beyond the standard use of ibogaine as a rapid detoxification tool. Ours is a comprehensive program of therapies, designed to maximize the potential for long-term success, with detoxification being just one component. Allowing time to anchor realizations and practice behaving in a new way is as important as the treatment itself. Planning and building a continuing care program for yourself is essential for long-lasting success, and we will assist you in this process.


We offer longer-term outpatient stays, and we encourage those with the time and resources to invest them in this unequaled opportunity for transformation.


We work with several residential programs in Mexico, Hawaii or Thailand, that have a similar focus on health and nutrition, and who are familiar with how to work with clients after ibogaine.


Additionally, finding a peer-support network near you can provide the invaluable asset of a community of knowledgeable peers, and resources to help you as the challenges of daily life start to return.

Residential Programs

Living Clean Ibogaine, Mexico

Living Clean Ibogaine brings you the most effective holistic methods – integral psychology and traditional plant medicine provided by world recognized experts - Living Clean Ibogaine Website


As part of 1-4 week programs Living Clean Ibogaine offers continued work with ritual and plant medicine guided by traditional healers, as well as psychotherapy with therapists who specialize in plant medicine integration work.

We offer a rich learning space for those who would like to work on self-improvement and personal development, and for people who are suffering because of stress, burnout, depression, abuse, and relationship or addiction issues - New Life Foundation Website


New Life Foundation is a “mindful recovery community” that offers meditation, yoga, tai chi and chi gong, enneagram work, and other forms of meditative practice. They offer retreats and also a residential program with 12 step and Buddhist recovery groups.

Our program uses a holistic approach aimed at cultivating what we refer to as “wellness” -- or the interconnected components of physical and psychic health. The aim of our program is not just a temporary reprieve from craving but a whole and enduring sense of well-being, achieved through physical vigor, increased self-awareness and a deeper engagement with the world. In short, we aim to make natural living a more deeply felt and joyful endeavour - Inscape Recovery Website


Inscape is an holistic addiction treatment, emotional health and ibogaine aftercare program in Mexico that combines indigenous plant medicines with naturopathic treatments, phytotherapy and intensive psychotherapy.

Hawaii Naturopathic Retreat Center is an organization created to teach and facilitate positive lifestyle change by creating safe, nurturing situations in which many aspects of mind and body can be addressed at once.


This program offers detoxification with raw foods and naturopathic medicine in conjunction with psychotherapy. They have small retreats and personalize their program to meet your needs. They are open for all types of visits and have a special addiction program.

12-Step Peer Support


In many respects, our program differs fundamentally from the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. We don’t believe that anyone needs to self-identify as an addict for their entire life, or that addiction is a disease.


However, our philosophy aside, we, and many of our clients, have benefitted from 12-step programs in the past. Finding the right group is important, but groups are very accessible and take place in most places in the world. We’ve provided some examples of non-12-step programs below, but encourage you to look into AA/NA if you feel it will be helpful.

Non 12-Step Peer Support

Women for Sobriety is an organization whose purpose is to help all women find their individual path to recovery through discovery of self, gained by sharing experiences, hopes and encouragement with other women in similar circumstances - WFS Website


WFS is an abstinence based support group, the first of its kind, specifically for women. Some studies show that while men have better results in co-ed treatment and support groups, women can fare better in women-only groups. This group is highly recommended.

Our participants learn tools for addiction recovery based on the latest scientific research and participate in a world-wide community which includes free, self-empowering, science-based mutual help groups - SMART Recovery Website


SMART Recovery offers local meet-ups and online chat support for members.

Lifering Secular Recovery is one program specifically established to remove the religious component of AA and traditional 12-step step support groups. They have an abstinence-based philosophy, and also offer in person meet-up groups and online chat rooms for members. They accept people regardless of their drug of choice.

For some people, problematic drinking doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to drink alcohol again for the rest of their lives. Moderation Management works with the principles of harm reduction and provides support from this perspective, specifically for alcohol.

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